Friday, March 12, 2010

Post-Op Report

Seth had his dental surgery today. He had all but 8 teeth pulled due to significant decaying.

They were able to save four molars by putting crowns on. And four canines made the cut and stayed intact.
I was worried that he'd wake up from surgery and be terrifed because he didn't know where he was, why his mouth was numb, or in pain.

He did well, although all of those things above were true. He eventually fell back asleep at home (and Sheena took advantange of the situation).

He woke up and asked for lunch. He downed a strawberry popsicle with remnants of an orange popsicle still fresh on his pants.

He seems to be recovering well. He's up in the playroom running the dump truck back and forth across the room. Apparently no one told him he was supposed to still feel groggy and tired.

Anyway - just wanted to provide an update for those who might be checking here. Thanks for the prayers and good thoughts.


Anonymous said...

I've been thinking about him and wondering how he is feeling. Glad he is doing well. Looking forward to having you back next week. Angela

Lucas, Amber, Levi, and Milo said...

awww, poor little guy. We'll keep him in our prayers.

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